Despite known as one of the fastest-growing streaming platforms, it is not immune to controversies. Now recently, in a sudden turn of events, Twitch has suspended the advertising revenue of one of the popular Twitch Streamer Kaitlyn “Amouranth” Siragusa without any reason. She wasn’t aware of all this until she noticed ad revenue disappearing from her channel analytics. You might be wondering, “WHY?”

Well, let me tell your WHY:

Twitch ‘Hot Tub Streams’ Controversy

Before  I share the exact controversy between Twitch & Kaitlyn “Amouranth” Siragusa, you should know everything about the ongoing Hot Tub Streams Controversy. From the past few weeks, there has been some sudden surge in the popularity of “Hot Tub Meta” or to be precise, Hot Tub Streaming. In case you don’t know, Hot Tub Streaming means where a streamer has to host a “Just Chatting” stream inside a hot tub. However, ever since the trend started taking place on twitch it has become a hot topic of debate among Twitch Streamers worldwide. Some streamers like Pokimane have come out completely vocal about this rising streaming trend. On the other hand, popular streamers like xQc have criticized the trend because of the NSFW nature of the content on the streaming platform. If you look into the Twitch rules closely there isn’t any specific rule that says any kind of ban on such kind of streams. But recently, Twitch went one step further band the use of the word “Hot Tub” on its platform. This doesn’t mean that a twitch streamer will get banned after streaming in a Hot Tub. Instead, looking at what twitch did to Siragusa, they might restrict your account (In terms of (Advertisement Revenue) for some time.

Siragusa on Twitch Suspension

After Twitch demonetized Siragusa’s Twitch channel, she took to Twitter to share her side of the story. In her Twitter statement, this is what she said, “Yesterday I was informed that Twitch has indefinitely suspended advertising on my channel.” “Twitch didn’t reach out in any way whatsoever. I had to initiate the conversation after noticing, without any prior warning, all the ad revenue had disappeared from my channel analytics.” This is an alarming precedent and serves as a stark warning that although the content may not ostensibly break community guidelines or terms of service, Twitch has complete discretion to target individual channels and partially or wholly demonetized them for content that is deemed ‘not advertiser-friendly,’ something that there is no communicated guideline for.” She went on to say that,” “This leaves open-ended the question of where the line is drawn. Many people complain about ToS being ‘unclear’ but at least there’s something to go by.” “There is no known policy for what results in a streamer being put on this blacklist. With characteristic opacity, the only thing twitch made clear is that it is unclear whether or when my account can be reinstated.” Even though, Twitch never bothered to officially state the reason for his ban. This stinks, isn’t it? Must Check: Don Lemon Says ‘Changes Are Coming’ After Revealing End of ‘CNN Tonight.’

Final Verdict

No one exactly knows why Twitch restricted Siragusa’s account with ad revenue. Out of all this fiasco, the worst thing that came out was how Twitch handled all this situation. That was pathetic. If you’re putting a streamer’s account on restriction then at least notify them. That is all for now. What do you think of this Hot Tub controversy? Are you in support of this trend or against it? Whichever way it is, do let me know about this in the comments section given below.

1 Twitch ‘Hot Tub Streams’ Controversy2 Siragusa on Twitch Suspension3 Twitch & Its Never-Ending Controversy4 Final Verdict