Top Financial Jobs in India Right Now

In India, the finance industry, specifically Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI) contributes just under 6% of the annual GDP. By 2022, the BFSI industry is likely to require an additional 1.6 million skilled workforce, as estimated by the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC). 

Is Finance the Career for Me?

With so many sectors within the industry, finance has a lot to offer those who are ambitious, hardworking, and keen to learn. If you have a diverse skill-set, but can also offer an informed perspective that could help both long-established financial institutions but also emerging enterprises succeed, it could have huge career potential.  In India right now, the finance industry is thriving, offering long careers but also sky-high salaries in cities across the country. Top jobs include retail and commercial banking (facilitating money transfers and forex), investment banking, and insurance.  To get a clear idea of what you should be aiming for in a finance career, it’s a good idea to get to know the top players in the industry. Understanding their specialisms will be incredibly useful going forward. 

How To Get Started

Career options include banking, corporate finance, stockbroking, financial planning, risk management, public accounting, and portfolio management.  There are several ways to develop your CV to suit a career in finance, but this will depend on which area you wish to work within. For an entry-level role in investment banking, for example, a company would likely require candidates to hold a bachelor’s degree in finance, however, a Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a specialism in finance is a popular option. For other roles, for example in portfolio management, a bachelor’s degree in a finance-related subject such as economics, accounting or supporting subjects like mathematics and statistics are desirable.   As well as formal qualifications, it is also worth considering your interests and specialist skills. The current trend in retail and commercial banking is to offer tailored, financial services to each customer, specific to their needs, meaning customers will be on the lookout for experts with an informed, innovative perspective. If you can specialise within the industry, potential employers will see your passion, but also if your insight aligns with their team and strategy. Gaining more knowledge about spread betting and other ways of trading is a great way to specialize in this field. Taking the initiative to upskill demonstrates your character and communicates where your expertise lies.  Without question, the financial services industry offers a dynamic career with a wealth of different options as you progress. With opportunities across the country and internationally, the industry is a great way to use your strengths and skill-set to make your mark on the world.  The pace of the industry is also a key pull for many. By 2028, India is set to be the fourth largest private wealth market in the world, which can only mean more opportunities, more growth, and more success.