Time of Supply of Services under GST

Similar to goods, time of supply of services is prescribed to be the earlier of date of issue of invoice and date of receipt of payment. Date of issue of invoice requires us to examine section 31 which deals with the requirement to issue a “tax invoice”. In relation to services, section 31 requires that a tax invoice be issued whether before or after provision of service. Further, there is a time limit beyond which tax invoice to be issued in arrears cannot be delayed after completion of the provision of service. Rule 47 of the CGST Rules prescribes the time period within which such invoice should be issued. It states that in case of the taxable supply of services, invoice should be issued within thirty days from the date of supply of services. In case of banking company/financial institution/non-banking financial company, the time period becomes forty five days from the date of supply of services. When these banking/financial institution/non-banking financial institution/telecom operator companies make taxable supplies of services between distinct persons invoice may be issued before or at the time such supplier records the same in his books of account or before expiry of the quarter during which the supply was made. If the invoice is issued within the prescribed time period, the time of supply will be the earlier of the date of issue of invoice or the date of payment. If the invoice is issued after the prescribed time period, the time of supply will be the earlier of the date of completion of service or the date of payment. If none of these two cases are applicable, then the time of supply will be the date when the recipient shows the receipt of services in his books of accounts. Please recollect the discussion in Chapter III where it has been explained that in accordance with Schedule II, supplies involving goods may be treated as supply of services. In all such cases, as in the case of services ordinarily understood, this provision alone applies for determination of time of supply. One may also refer to Chapter VII regarding issuance of tax invoice in all other circumstances and determine from there the fact of issuance of tax invoice. Therefore, where the tax invoice has been issued accordingly, the time of supply can be determined to be earlier of date of issuance of such tax invoice or date of receipt of payment. Example 1: Mr. X provides consultancy services to Mr. Y worth Rs 50,000.

08.04.2018 – An advance of Rs 10,000 is received from Mr. Y 10.04.2018 – The consultancy services are provided 16.05.2018 – Mr X receives balance payment of Rs 40,000 and records it in his books.

What will be the time of supply assuming Mr. X issues the invoice on:

Situation 1 – 15.04.2018 Situation 2 – 15.05.2018


Situation 1: If invoice is issued within the prescribed time period, time of supply will be the date of receipt of payment or date of issue of invoice whichever is earlier. In the given case, the invoice is issued on 15.04.2018 which is within 30 days of the supply of services which is within the prescribed period. So, for Rs 10,000, the time of supply will be 08.04.2018 which is the date of receipt of advance payment. For the balance amount, time of supply will be 15.04.2018 which is earlier of 15.04.2018 (date of invoice) and 16.05.2018 (date of receipt of payment). Situation 2: If invoice is not issued within the prescribed time period, time of supply will be the earlier of the date of completion of service and the date of receipt of payment. Here, invoice is issued on 15.05.2018 which is after the prescribed time period. So, for Rs 10,000, the time of supply will be 08.04.2018 which is the date of receipt of advance payment. For the balance amount, time of supply will be 10.04.2018 which is earlier of 10.04.2018 (date of completion of service) and 16.05.2018 (date of receipt of payment).