As per this move right law, signs saying “State Law: Slower Traffic Move Right” will be placed on the SC highways and all the drivers must use the far left lane on controlled-access highways when passing other vehicles. If not compelled by this new rule, the state Dept. of Public Safety says warning tickets will start issuing warnings tickets within the 1st 90 days. Then after November 13, 2021, breaking this law will become a punishable offense where you can be charged with a fine of up to  $25.

Exceptions on Breaking the Move Right Law

Following are the only exceptions when you will be breaking the Move Right Law:

You’ll not break the new rule if no other vehicle is directly behind the vehicle in the left lane.When it’s nearly impossible for you to drive in the right lane.You can continue to drive in the left lane when it’s safe to drive because of existing weather conditions.You’ll not break the new rule if obstructions or hazards exist in the right lane;When preparing to exit the left lane, if the highway design prevents you to do so, you’ll not break the law.If another vehicle is overtaking you, and you’re unable to move your tractor-trailer commercial motor vehicle to the right, you’ll not be breaking the law.

South Carolina’s Lance corporal on New Safety Rule

Lance Cpl. with the South Carolina Highway Patrol had this to say about the new safety rule of South Carolina: “The small goals of this are to prevent congestion. You know, obviously, in Charleston we see a lot of that as well as in Columbia and Greenville – everywhere in the state, honestly, we see congestion. Also, it is to give that kind of an open lane or more open lane for first responders, fire, EMS, police, to be able to get where they’re going without being delayed.” Earlier, in May 2021, South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster passed this new rule targeting the Slow Drivers on the Highway.

1 Exceptions on Breaking the Move Right Law2 South Carolina’s Lance corporal on New Safety Rule