
The Ability to Travel

Travel is the main benefit of being a digital nomad. As a digital nomad, you don’t have to fit your travels into a yearly two-week vacation period.  As long as you have an internet connection, you can live, work, and play anywhere your heart desires. You can work a 40-hour week and step out your door to a historic European town or catch a stunning sunset on a tropical beach. Technology has been kind to the digital nomadic lifestyle with everything from Wi-Fi connections in hotels and cafes to travel backpacks that are work and laptop-friendly.

Experiencing Different Cultures

World travelers will tell you that experiencing how other people around the world live, think, and even eat is one of the reasons they relish traveling. All journeys bring new experiences, but as a digital nomad, you become more than just a tourist. You get the chance to learn about a place more in-depth than you would on a short vacation. When you experience a different culture, you develop a new self-awareness and grow to appreciate the simple things in life.

Exploring New Hobbies and Interests

Differing cultures, terrains, and historical backgrounds affect the hobbies and pastimes people choose. As a digital nomad, you can stay in one place long enough to explore sports, hobbies, and activities you might not otherwise learn to enjoy. Take up salsa dancing in Latin America, attend baking classes in Stockholm, make pottery in London, or learn to ski in Switzerland.

Meeting New and Interesting People

Living and traveling abroad is an excellent way to meet people with backgrounds different than yours. You get to make friends with other digital nomads or hear inspiring stories from the locals. It’s refreshing and enlightening to chat with people about beliefs other than your own, and hear their crazy life stories and tales about their own adventures. As a digital nomad, you’ll get to connect with people from all walks of life from different countries, cultures, ages, and social and financial statuses.


A Loss of Family Ties

The decision to live far away from loved ones can be difficult. As a digital nomad, you must get used to missing family events like birthdays and weddings. You’ll miss the milestones your favorite niece or nephew reaches. Yes, you can attend events virtually, but you won’t get the full experience or the hugs and kisses.

Adjusting Life Management Skills

Digital nomads often live and work in places where others are vacationing. They have to make an extra effort to balance work hours with leisure time. Without extra planning and organization, your productivity may be lessened. Believe it or not, being your own boss isn’t always easy. You have to create your own goals and tasks and fight procrastination without working overtime. 

Being Portrayed as “Always On Vacation”

Digital nomads break away from the norm by earning their income online while traveling full-time. Many people are likely to misunderstand you and think of you as immature or unable to hold down a “real job.” They may find it hard to believe that some top bloggers make over a hundred grand per month. These skeptics are most often the digital nomad’s own family.