And every online business aims to publish ads in order to gain market position and build a brand.  Advertising assists in branding. But advertising is hard. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea.  With the emergence of the boom in the advertising industry, many business owners find it hard to gain control over it. At this stage, Artificial intelligence comes to the rescue. This week, a leader in the tech industry introduced a highly efficient and helpful tool for advertisers, and here’s what you need to know. Mobiquity Technologies, INC. is a Next-gen PAAC company, a pioneer company that provides high-quality services and AI technologies to advertisers. Mobiquity is a global digital consulting organization that helps the world’s most recognizable brands better understand, implement, and interact with technology. They assist businesses in the design and development of purpose-driven digital products and services. Recently, Mobiquity has released an AI-powered tool called ‘Adwrap’ on the Evangelist platform. It is said to be a software tool to auto-generate campaign wrap-up reports. One may ask, what is an evangelist? It is a platform exclusively designed for advertisers. It’s packaged software of great features, great usability and has all the tools you need in one single platform as an advertiser. 

Reason to bring Adwrap in front

“We need you to build a platform that delivers our enterprise clients the greatest and most advanced services while also providing the same level of support to small and medium businesses,” Dean Julia, CEO of Mobiquity Technologies, stated. “We believe in the power of AI-driven by human power. We’ve taken years of data accumulated from thousands of campaigns across digital media and turned it into an inference-based engine that can dynamically apply these insights to the reporting ecosystem.” 

What’s the new AI- Adwrap?

AdWrap is a brand-new, cutting-edge tool that has been incorporated into the Advangelists platform and is now ready to use. Opening soon, advertisers will be able to test and demand guided walkthroughs of this tool. The product’s simplicity and usability automation allow account managers and ad ops to find the rightmost: strategy. AdWrap will be able to deliver insights into which tools perform much better throughout a variety of variables, including creatives, sizes, inventory, audience, time of day, weather, publisher data, demographics, user hardware, how a phone is held, ambient inputs, batteries, and much more. These data are useful not just for optimizing current campaigns, but more for providing vital insights into advertisers’ sales strategy and future strategic planning.  Must Check: Google Faces Major Multi State Antitrust lawsuit for Google Play fees Advertisers may use the insights and inferences to figure out where they should spend their ad dollars, and they can help push the goal of a genuine self-serve platform forward. With the changing landscape of media agencies and advertisers, it’s more important than ever to rely not only on impression-based analytics but also on using artificial intelligence to grasp facts and take proactive steps.AdWrap offers end-to-end, insight-based analytics that includes the decision-making workflow, inventory selection, and ad fraud detection engines.  It also combines years of experience garnered from human insights into campaign optimization into a single result. The system is intended to give the advertiser a highly selected collection of data that can be used at any degree, from bottom to top. 

What is Advangelist platform?

Advangelists is dedicated to the continued development of AI-powered platforms, which will transform the advertising industry for the better. They are a group of advertising experts who have collaborated to create a mobile-first solution with cutting-edge technology and business-centric solutions. 

How to access the Adwrap?

If you’re already a member of advangelist, you can get access to adwrap or you can always contact the companies for further assistance in the matter.

1 Reason to bring Adwrap in front2 What’s the new AI- Adwrap?3 What is Advangelist platform?4 How to access the Adwrap?