Kathy Hochul took her oath as governor in a brief, private ceremony in the New York State Capitol under the presence of the state’s chief judge, Janet DiFiore. After the ceremony, Kathy said that she felt “the weight of responsibility” on her shoulders. She is up to the task.  She has also mentioned that she is really proud to be able to serve as their governor and I won’t let them down. Kathy Hochul being a Governor was in a capital where women have only recently begun chipping away at a male-dominated political culture was a moment of creating history. Cuomo submitted his resignation letter late Monday to the state Assembly and Senate leaders and left office at 12:00 a.m. Kathy Hochul was scheduled to have her ceremonial swearing-in Tuesday morning at the Capit.  For the first time, a whole group of powerful people in the New York state government will be women. Kathy Hochul will face a lot of challenges as she takes over the administration. Kathy was even asked questions about whether or not she’ll change the culture of governance in New York. Cuomo’s resignation will never end his legal problems. But the person who complained  Cuomo groped her breast has filed a complaint with the Albany County Sheriff’s Office. Other than that, Cuomo was facing other investigations about misleading the public about COVD-19 deaths in nursing homes just to protect his status as a pandemic leader. Kathy Hochul after taking over will have to make her own team of advisers to work with for at least the next 16 months. Hochul also mentioned that she didn’t work with Cuomo and that she wasn’t aware of the harassment allegations. She even vowed that no one can ever call her workplace as toxic Kathy Hochul also said that she has a different approach to governing and will get the job done as she doesn’t have time for distractions, particularly coming into this position on  Wednesday in Queens. Kathy also announced all the appointments she had planned for Monday and will appoint 2 important persons: Karen Persichilli Keogh who will become Secretary to the Governor and Elizabeth Fine who will be Hochul’s chief legal counsel. She had also planned to keep the old employees for 45 days and till then she will interview new hires, but she also said that she will not keep anyone found to have behaved unethically. Hochul, who has already been planning to run for a full term next year, can be seen to get the New York City politician as her lieutenant governor. Kathy had once represented a Western New York district in Congress for a year and even had a reputation as a moderate. Jay Jacob, State Democratic Party Chair had even praised Kathy as “formidable and had also added that she’s very experienced and has all potential to be a refreshing and exciting new governor.

Covid Update

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