How to Prepare for CSEET Viva and CSEET Mock Questions

Viva voice helps in building self-confidence, articulation skills, public speaking skills and vocabulary. Keeping in view the relevance of communication skills in today’s business scenario and the need for future Company Secretary to be well versed with communication skills, the Paper 4 of CSEET has included Viva voce portion. It is to be noted that in Viva Voice, no domain knowledge will be tested. It has been included to test the basic communication skills of the candidates, i.e. how well a candidate is in communicating his thoughts and ideas.

In order to prepare for Viva Voice a candidate may do the following:

  1. Read English Newspapers like, Times of India, Economic Times, Business Standard, Statesman, Telegraph, Business Line etc. and read the newspaper in front of the mirror to observe his / her expressions while reading the newspaper and fluency in reading.
  2. Practice in front of mirror of speaking in English about himself / herself for 5 minutes about introducing himself / herself by mentioning his / her name, about family members, what their parents do, about school, hobbies, what they want to be in future etc.
  3. Follow English News Channel anchors on how they read or present the news item.
  4. The candidates may quickly sequence the thoughts and may present their answers to questions that are being asked. Some of the Mock Questions that students may practice are as under:

Q1. Why you want to join Company Secretary Course? Q2. What is the current state of Indian economy? (in a very general manner). Q3. Tell us about yourself. Q4. What are the goals of your life? Q5. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Q6. Can you briefly explain the role of Company Secretary in a Company?
