Who file GSTR 2 – Every registered person ( Other then ISD , a non-resident taxable person and a person paying tax under the provisions of section 10/51/52)

GSTR 2 Tips From Twitter @askGSTech

Actions that a receiver Taxpayer can take in GSTR 2:

Actions to be taken while using latest version of offline tool 2.0

Downloading latest version of Offline Tool 2.0 from GST Portal

Correcting the errors of invoices and other details in uploaded GSTR 2

Uploading Invoices and other details and filing of Form GSTR 2 Using Offline Tool 2.0

Adding Missing Invoices and other details in offline tool for Form GSTR 2

You may add saved invoices in your Form GSTR 2 and add missing invoices and other details not reported by supplier and other details in offline tool by following ways: