Gamification allows you to add fun and spunk from games to everything, from brand websites to recruitment tests – you can expect gaming anywhere and everywhere now. All you need is an internet connection and you are sorted for fun all the way! Before jumping into the world of Gamification, ensure you have strong and stable internet service. The likes of Cox make great sense to us, for it not only comes with impressive speeds and prices but also the Cox Servicio al Cliente has a great sense of customer care in Spanish and prioritizes their users’ satisfaction above all else. Moving on, Gamification is the future and is sure to get integrated into every industry so let’s get acquainted with the concept.

Key Elements of Gamification

The three key elements of Gamification are discussed below:


Motivation plays the ‘Why’ in these games. It is the force that excites the users to care about their actions.


Mastery plays as the ‘How.’ It is the set pattern of rules and skills that users need to complete a specific action. Gamification is based on persistence and skill.


Triggers play as the ‘When’ and ‘Where.’ Triggers allow users to implement their actions to win when an opportunity presents itself.

What can you do with Gamification?

The uses that come with Gamification are next to numerous. However, we will discuss the main ones here.

Increase engagement and awareness with a brand

Gamification incentivizes customers to engage and increases their chances of understanding a brand. This way they can earn rewards and freebies. For example, Buffalo Wild Wings ran a gamification campaign that resulted in a 500 percent increase in engagement and more than 100 million social impressions.

Improve Onboarding and Retention

Game mechanics can aid in improving the activation, retention, referral, and revenue phases of a company. For example, Domino’s Pizza increased its sales revenue by a whopping 30 percent with the help of gamification in its app. Nike+ experience is a driving force for more than 5,000,000 users.

Improve Sales and compliance

With Gamification, companies can surge compliance with their internal systems. Sales can be improved and it also supports effectiveness. For example, in place of annual reviews, Spotify’s improved gamified solution has increased voluntary participation by 90 percent. Google’s Travel Expense System resulted in 100 percent compliance of employees for their travel expenses. These are just some of the major case points of Gamification. You can even use Gamification to supplement user happiness. Such interaction is called delighters. These delights can instantly result in customer satisfaction increasing brand loyalty.

Components of Gamification

A Gamification model has the following components: Players are your customers or users. In Gamification, they are called players. Win State is the ultimate goal within the Gamification loop. The point where player goals and your business objectives match, is called win state. Actions are the steps that are important to accomplish goals and reach a win state. Analytics is developed to recognize closely if your efforts are translating well. Feedback Systems allow a proper understanding of things that can be bettered. These are the integral components of any Gamification model and without all these elements, your model would not have a complete state or it will lack effectivity.

How to build a Gamification model?

Developing a Gamification model is quite similar to developing just anything. You can follow these steps:

Understanding the mission of the game from a business point of view and the player’s point of view.Identify the goals and settings that the game requires to be completed.Design the potential approaches a player can take.Make a prototype of the solution and test it for efficacy.Repeat the solution to ensure its effectiveness.

Summing Up

We believe Gamification to be an amazing addition to the business industry, so learning about it before it becomes a norm might help us in the long run.

1 Key Elements of Gamification1.1 Motivation1.2 Mastery1.3 Triggers2 What can you do with Gamification?2.1 Increase engagement and awareness with a brand2.2 Improve Onboarding and Retention2.3 Improve Sales and compliance3 Components of Gamification4 How to build a Gamification model?5 Summing Up