Here is video

I heard screaming in the distance. On Facebook, her younger sister stated that Blankenbiller was in a “critical” situation and had been placed on a ventilator precisely one week after she was admitted to the hospital for the first time. They say she died the following day.  5.3 million people have watched another harrowing video of Alexandra lying in a hospital bed, capturing the groans and screams of others with Covid. She was in the hospital for the last four of her videos. Another room was screaming in a chilling video taken on Aug. 13. Blankenbiller appeared to be terrified. I do not have a lot of energy for talking, so I’m gonna try to make this quick…I did not get vaccinated- I’m not anti-vax, I was just trying to do my research- I was scared; Said the 31-year-old deceased girl in a heavy, painful voice. 

She wasn’t an anti-vaxxer- she was waiting for the right time

Jacksonville, Florida, resident Blankenbiller said she chose to wait to get immunized because she wanted her and her family to all be immunized at the same time, which was not possible. As she put it, “that decision was a mistake.” I should not have waited,” she says in the video. You should not hesitate to take action. This is the only way to avoid ending up in the hospital as I did.”  Despite her hesitation, she stated she had waited to try and encourage her entire family to get vaccinated at the same time. For now, I’ll just tell you that I’ve been thinking about getting it for weeks, and I’m ready to get it now, but I’ve been holding off on getting it until my whole family agreed,” she said in a separate video. She further said, Do not wait to convince someone else to join you, and I urge you to get vaccinated. 

The tik to star transformed the rehearsal into a party

On Facebook, a friend of Blankenbiller wrote that she was “one of the kindest people” she had worked with in her professional career thus far. Two of them were members of the Jax Treblemakers, a cappella group in Jacksonville, Fla. When she walked into a rehearsal, it turned into a party,” wrote her friend.  In her final days, she begged for the vaccine to be given to her from a hospital bed. The thought of losing individuals to this awful sickness makes me sick.” It is said that she was the kind of person who would stop a stranger in the grocery store to compliment them. 

Vaccination ‘This is something that should be taken seriously…

Cristina Blankenbiller, her sister, States regarding vaccines that “It’s no secret that this is something that should be taken very seriously, It’s just that there’s a lot of misinformation out there.” Blankenbiller, her mother, and her two sisters scheduled their appointments after they all agreed to get their shots. However, they became ill before their scheduled time slots were up. Blankenbiller suffered the most. As her blood oxygen level continued to plummet, she sought treatment at Orange County Medical Center, where she was accompanied only by doctors, nurses, and her 15,000 TikTok followers for company. No one from her family was allowed to visit her until they were told that nothing more could be done for her, and then it was authorized. 

It’s a shame that her scenario is not unusual

State data released Thursday shows that Florida is experiencing its fatal daily death rate spike in years, outdoing previous coronavirus spikes in the state. This year’s figures could yet grow as the Florida Department of Health submits more data to the federal government in the middle and late months of August. A total of 45000 people have died in Florida due to the virus, vaccination hesitancy, or some other reason.

Covid Update

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1 She wasn’t an anti-vaxxer- she was waiting for the right time2 The tik to star transformed the rehearsal into a party3 Vaccination ‘This is something that should be taken seriously…4 It’s a shame that her scenario is not unusual5 Covid Update