Obama also shared he and  Michelle Obama are in grief and disturbed to know about the terrorist attack outside the Kabul airport that killed and wounded so many U.S. service members, along with Afghan men, women, and children.  He also added that as president, nothing was more regretful than grieving with the loved ones of Americans who gave their lives for our country. Obama then said that as President Biden has shared, these members are heroes who have been engaged in a dangerous, selfless mission to save the lives of others. This has been served by the members as a not relating to Obama’s former vice president, essentially showing that Biden is in charge now.

Obama says he is ‘heartbroken’ following the terror attack in Kabul

Obama shared his grief on the same day when the family of Navy Corpsman Maxton Soviak confirmed that he was among those people who were killed in the attack. He then continued that they are concerned about the families of the Afghans who died, many who stood by America and were willing to risk everything for a better life. Obama is the last of all the U.S. presidents who showed his concern and grief over America’s 20-year war in Afghanistan and to speak out about the situation. Obama during his presidency had ordered an additional 30,000 American troops into the country in late 2009. This decision of his then-vice president, Biden, was strongly not supported. At that time, Obama was completely convinced that the U.S. could prop up Afghanistan’s fragile, corrupted Taliban government. Even after Eleven years, that government collapsed in a few hours as the Taliban overpowered Kabul on Aug. 15 without firing a single shot. Obama did not state anything bout the overall evacuation effort in his tweet on Friday. But at the beginning of this year, he said he strongly supported Biden’s decision to end America’s longest war. Obama on April 14 said after nearly two decades of putting our troops at risk, it is time to understand that they have reached all that they could have done and that it’s time to bring their remaining troops home. The two Republicans George W. Bush and Donald Trump shared their opinions over the war and have disagreed with Biden’s decision to withdraw American troops in different ways. Bush, who launched the war just after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, has mentioned he fears for the women and girls of the country, who are facing certain restrictions under the Taliban’s fundamentalist interpretation of Islamic law. Bush also share a scenario in July of what was on the plate of those Afghans who had worked for the U.S.-led coalition over the past two decades. Bush also said to the German state broadcaster, Deutsche Welle that he thinks about all the interpreters that helped not only U.S. troops, but NATO troops and they’re just going to be left behind to face deadly outcomes by these very brutal people, and it breaks his heart, Trump has taken a completely different path, by sharing a lot of statements in recent weeks that distorted his own record and falsely accused Biden of moving the American troops before U.S. civilians. Trump has also said to paint the refugees evacuated from Afghanistan as terrorists. The U.S. is putting its efforts to move as many citizens and eligible Afghans with Special Immigrant Visas before Tuesday’s deadline for the military withdrawal from Afghanistan. Countries such as Spain and Poland have ended their evacuation missions from the region, and forces from the United Kingdom are preparing to end their mission on Friday. Must Check

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